Mazamas Calendar

196 ResultsJul 26, 2024 - Oct 23, 2024Download CSV
Locations Leaders Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 26
Backpack6 AM Carpool - Evening

AYM: Three Sisters Loop

Grade & Pace
2 Canceled on July 26
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 24
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 26
Climb6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

South Sister, Devil's Lake

Grade & Pace
A / II
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Course2024 - 2024

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Summer 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 27
Climb7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Castle/Pinnacle, Standard/East Ridge

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Lecture8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wilderness First Responder Lecture: Day 1

Grade & Pace
1 Ongoing on July 27
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 26
Backpack6 AM Carpool - Evening

AYM: Three Sisters Loop

Grade & Pace
3 Canceled on July 27
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 24
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 27
Hike7:00 MMC/8:45 TH - None

Lookout Mountain/Palisade Point/Flag Point

Grade & Pace
B / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 27
Climb8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 28
Backpack7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Alpine Lakes Backpack & Cannonball Contest

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 28
Lecture8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wilderness First Responder Lecture Day 2

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 28
Climb9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Rooster Rock, South Face

Grade & Pace
C / II
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 28
CourseNone - None

Sunday Skill-builders: Advanced Anchors

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on July 28
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Course2024 - 2024

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Summer 2024

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 26
Backpack6 AM Carpool - Evening

AYM: Three Sisters Loop

Grade & Pace
2 Canceled on July 28
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 27
Climb8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 28
Climb5:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Baker, North Ridge (III, AI 2+)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 29
Lecture8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wilderness First Responder Lecture Day 3

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on July 29
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Course2024 - 2024

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Summer 2024

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 28
Backpack7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Alpine Lakes Backpack & Cannonball Contest

Grade & Pace
2 Canceled on July 29
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 27
Climb8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 28
Climb5:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Baker, North Ridge (III, AI 2+)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 30
Lecture8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wilderness First Responder Lecture Day 4

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on July 30
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Course2024 - 2024

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Summer 2024

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 28
Backpack7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Alpine Lakes Backpack & Cannonball Contest

Grade & Pace
2 Canceled on July 30
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 27
Climb8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 28
Climb5:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Baker, North Ridge (III, AI 2+)

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Jul 31
Meeting6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

SSI Instructor Training

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 31
Hike6:00 PM - None

AYM: Hoyt Arboretum Evening Hike

Grade & Pace
2 (2–2.5 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 31
Hike8:00AM - 3:00PM

Cape Horn Loop Hike

Grade & Pace
B / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 31
Aug 2
Climb10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 31
Lecture8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wilderness First Responder Lecture Day 5

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on July 31
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Jul 27
Course2024 - 2024

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Summer 2024

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Jul 28
Backpack7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Alpine Lakes Backpack & Cannonball Contest

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2024 - 2024

Washington Pass AR outing

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Concord Tower North Face (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Liberty Bell, Beckey Route (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 1
HikeMMC 6:30a/Trailhead 7:05a - Trailhead 4:00p/MMC 5:00p

Larch Mountain (Multnomah Falls) Conditioner for RTM or other adventures

Grade & Pace
C / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Course6:30pm - 8:30pm

Hike Leader Training

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 1
Field Session6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Admissions Test I

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Glacier Peak, Cool Glacier

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Ongoing on August 1
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 31
Aug 2
Climb10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 2
Climb8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Mt Whittier, Norway Pass Traverse

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 2
Climb5:00 AM - 8:00 PM

South Early Winter Spire, South Arete

Grade & Pace
D / II
7 Ongoing on August 2
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2024 - 2024

Washington Pass AR outing

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Jul 31
Aug 2
Climb10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Concord Tower North Face (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Liberty Bell, Beckey Route (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Glacier Peak, Cool Glacier

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 2
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 2
Climb1:00 PM - PM

Strawberry Mountain, NE Ridge

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 3
Climb5:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Castle/Pinnacle, Standard/East Ridge

Grade & Pace
C / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 3
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 3
Hike6:30 Main City Park/ 8:15 TH - None

Barrett Spur

Grade & Pace
C / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 3
Hike7:30am - 5pm

Paradise Park via Timberline Lodge - Round the Mountain Conditioning Hike

Grade & Pace
B / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
6 Ongoing on August 3
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2024 - 2024

Washington Pass AR outing

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Concord Tower North Face (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Liberty Bell, Beckey Route (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Glacier Peak, Cool Glacier

Grade & Pace
C / II
2 Canceled on August 3
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 2
Climb1:00 PM - PM

Strawberry Mountain, NE Ridge

Grade & Pace
A / II
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 3
Hike6:30 Main City Park/ 8:15 TH - None

Barrett Spur

Grade & Pace
C / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Hike6:00 am / MMC carpool / 7 am Trailhead - 6:30 pm Trailhead / 7:30 pm MMC

Herman Creek - Chinidere - Tomlike Mountains Loop - Fast Pack

Grade & Pace
C / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 4
Field Session2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Admissions Test II

Grade & Pace
7 Ongoing on August 4
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2024 - 2024

Washington Pass AR outing

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Concord Tower North Face (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Liberty Bell, Beckey Route (WA Pass AR outing)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 3
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Glacier Peak, Cool Glacier

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 4
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 2
Climb1:00 PM - PM

Strawberry Mountain, NE Ridge

Grade & Pace
A / II
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 5
Field Session6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Admissions Test III

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on August 5
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 3
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 1
Climb2:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Glacier Peak, Cool Glacier

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 5
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 5
Field Session6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Admissions Test

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 6
Meeting6 PM - 8:00 PM

Mazama Board of Directors' meeting

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 6
Lecture6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Steep Snow & Ice Lecture 1: hazard assessment/risk management

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 6
Other6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

First Aid Committee August Monthly Meeting

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 6
Climb7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys, Southeast Ridge Variation

Grade & Pace
C / II
3 Ongoing on August 6
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 7
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Skill-builder: Gym to Crag

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 7
Hike8:00 AM - PM

Elk Cove - Via Vista Ridge Trail

Grade & Pace
B / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 7
Climb3:30 PM - 8:00PM

Weekday Climb: Rooster Rock, South Face

Grade & Pace
C / II
Walk Icon Icon of a person walking.
Aug 7
Street Ramble6 PM - 8 PM

Street Rambles (MMC)

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 7
Hike7:30 AM - 5 PM

Nesmith Point (Corky's Corner)

Grade & Pace
1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
4 Ongoing on August 7
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 6
Climb7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys, Southeast Ridge Variation

Grade & Pace
C / II
2 Canceled on August 7
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 7
Hike8:00 AM - PM

Hardy MR. Hamilton

Grade & Pace
C / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 7
Hike5:00pm - 6:30pm

Runzamas: Pittock Hill Repeats (Trail Running in Forest Park)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 8
Lecture6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Steep Snow & Ice Lecture 2: drills multipitch/anchor/rope

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 8
Climb5:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on August 8
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 7
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Skill-builder: Gym to Crag

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 6
Climb7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys, Southeast Ridge Variation

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 8
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 8
Lecture6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Steep Snow & Ice Lecture 2

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 9
Hike7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Elk/Kings Loop (with car shuttle)

Grade & Pace
C / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 9
Climb11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Stuart, West Ridge

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on August 9
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 7
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Skill-builder: Gym to Crag

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 8
Climb5:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 10
Backpack6:00 AM - TBD

Timberline Trail in Two

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Baker, Coleman-Deming Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Rooster Rock, South Face

Grade & Pace
C / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb10:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shasta, Hotlum Bolam

Grade & Pace
C / II
6 Ongoing on August 10
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 7
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Skill-builder: Gym to Crag

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 4
Backpack1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wallowas/Eagle Cap Wilderness Backpack

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 8
Climb5:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 9
Climb11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Stuart, West Ridge

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 11
CourseNone - None

Sunday Skill-builders: Mechanical advantage in self rescue

Grade & Pace
6 Ongoing on August 11
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 9
Climb11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Stuart, West Ridge

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 10
Backpack6:00 AM - TBD

Timberline Trail in Two

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Baker, Coleman-Deming Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb10:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shasta, Hotlum Bolam

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 11
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 11
Hike7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Kohm Yah Mah Nee (Lassen Peak)

Grade & Pace
B / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 12
Hike7:30 am - 2:30 pm

Hamilton Mountain Loop

Grade & Pace
B / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
4 Ongoing on August 12
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Mt. Baker, Coleman-Deming Glacier

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb10:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shasta, Hotlum Bolam

Grade & Pace
C / II
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Lecture6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Big Wall Clinic Session

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on August 13
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb10:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shasta, Hotlum Bolam

Grade & Pace
C / II
1 Canceled on August 13
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 13
ClimbNone - None

Pinnacle Peak, East Ridge

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 14
Climb2024 - 2024

She/They/Us: Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 14
Lecture6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

SSI Lecture 3A: foam artificial ice practice (Team A only)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 14
Course6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing training session

Grade & Pace
Walk Icon Icon of a person walking.
Aug 14
Street Ramble6 PM - 8 PM

Street Rambles (MMC)

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 14
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 10
Climb10:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shasta, Hotlum Bolam

Grade & Pace
C / II
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 15
Other6pm - 9pm

Canyon Practice Session

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 15
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 14
Climb2024 - 2024

She/They/Us: Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

1 Canceled on August 15
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 15
Climb09:00 AM - PM

Thompson Peak, South Couloir

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacajawea Peak

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Ingalls Peak, South Face

Grade & Pace
D / II
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 16
Hike7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Nesmith Point

Grade & Pace
C / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
C / IV
4 Ongoing on August 16
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 14
Climb2024 - 2024

She/They/Us: Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

2 Canceled on August 16
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacagawea peaks

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 15
Climb09:00 AM - PM

Thompson Peak, South Couloir

Grade & Pace
A / II
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Aug 17
Hike6:00 AM - PM

Yocum Ridge from Ramona Falls

Grade & Pace
C / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 17
Climb7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Diamond Peak, South Ridge

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 17
Climb9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Chief Joseph Mountain, Standard Route

Grade & Pace
A / II
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 17
Field Session6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Steep Snow & Ice Field Session: Team A

Grade & Pace
Stewardship Icon Icon of a person shoveling.
Aug 17
Stewardship (Trail Tending)7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Trail Tending Work Party with Trailkeepers of Oregon

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 17
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Saturday)

Grade & Pace
7 Ongoing on August 17
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacajawea Peak

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 14
Climb2024 - 2024

She/They/Us: Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Ingalls Peak, South Face

Grade & Pace
D / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
C / IV
2 Canceled on August 17
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacagawea peaks

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 15
Climb09:00 AM - PM

Thompson Peak, South Couloir

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 18
Climb9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sacajawea peak

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 18
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Thielsen, West Ridge/Standard Route

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 18
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Sunday)

Grade & Pace
7 Ongoing on August 18
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacajawea Peak

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 14
Climb2024 - 2024

She/They/Us: Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

Grade & Pace
C / IV
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 17
Field Session6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Steep Snow & Ice Field Session: Team A

Grade & Pace
2 Canceled on August 18
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacagawea peaks

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 15
Climb09:00 AM - PM

Thompson Peak, South Couloir

Grade & Pace
A / II
Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 19
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacajawea Peak

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

1 Canceled on August 19
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 16
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Chief Joseph and Sacagawea peaks

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 20
Lecture6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Big Wall Clinic Session

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 20
Course6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing training session

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 20
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 13
Skill Builder2024 - 2024

Basics of Big Wall Climbing Skill-builder

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
Walk Icon Icon of a person walking.
Aug 21
Street Ramble6 PM - 8 PM

Street Rambles (MMC)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 21
Climb6:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Mt. Bailey, Standard

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 21
Lecture6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

SSI Lecture 3B: foam artificial ice practice (Team B only)

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 21
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 22
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 23
Climb5:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Mt. Stuart, Complete North Ridge

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 23
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
1 Canceled on August 23
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 23
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shasta, Clear Creek

Grade & Pace
B / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
Climb7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

North Sister climb NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
C / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
Climb7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Cowhorn Mountain, West Ridge

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 24
Field Session6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Steep Snow & Ice Field Session: Team B

Grade & Pace
Stewardship Icon Icon of a person shoveling.
Aug 24
Stewardship (Trail Tending)7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Trail Tending Work Party with Trailkeepers of Oregon

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Saturday)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
Climb5:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Ingalls Peak, South Face

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on August 24
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 23
Climb5:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Mt. Stuart, Complete North Ridge

Grade & Pace
1 Canceled on August 24
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 23
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shasta, Clear Creek

Grade & Pace
B / II
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 25
CourseNone - None

Sunday Skill-builders: Glacier Travel and Crevasse Rescue

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 25
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Sunday)

Grade & Pace
6 Ongoing on August 25
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 20
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / August 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
Climb7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

North Sister climb NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
C / II
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Aug 24
Field Session6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Steep Snow & Ice Field Session: Team B

Grade & Pace
1 Canceled on August 25
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 23
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Shasta, Clear Creek

Grade & Pace
B / II
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 26
OtherNone - None

FM101: Gear Night (optional)

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on August 26
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 19
OutingNone - None

Outing: Sawatch Mountains of Colorado

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Aug 24
Climb7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

North Sister climb NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
C / II
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Welcome Night

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on August 27
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Walk Icon Icon of a person walking.
Aug 28
Street Ramble6 pm - 8 pm

Street Rambles (MMC)

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on August 28
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

3 Ongoing on August 29
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Other2024 - 2024

Round the Mountain 2024

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Outing2024 - 2024

AYM North Cascades Car Campingpalooza (Labor Day Weekend)

3 Ongoing on August 30
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

5 Ongoing on August 31
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Other2024 - 2024

Round the Mountain 2024

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Outing2024 - 2024

AYM North Cascades Car Campingpalooza (Labor Day Weekend)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 1
Climb7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Mt. McLoughlin, East Ridge

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on September 1
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Other2024 - 2024

Round the Mountain 2024

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Outing2024 - 2024

AYM North Cascades Car Campingpalooza (Labor Day Weekend)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

5 Ongoing on September 2
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Other2024 - 2024

Round the Mountain 2024

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Aug 30
Sep 2
Outing2024 - 2024

AYM North Cascades Car Campingpalooza (Labor Day Weekend)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 3
Meeting6 PM - 8:00 PM

Mazama Board of Directors' meeting

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 3
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Rock Protection & Anchors

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 3
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 4
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / September 2024)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 4
Course6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing training session

Grade & Pace
Walk Icon Icon of a person walking.
Sep 4
Street Ramble6pm - 8pm

Street Rambles (MMC)

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 4
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 5
Lecture6:00pm - 8:30pm

FM101: Intro

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 5
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 4
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / September 2024)

4 Ongoing on September 6
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 4
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / September 2024)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 7
Lecture9:00am - 1:00pm

FM101: Lecture 2 - Belay (session 1)

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 7
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Matterhorn, Ice Lake

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 7
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Saturday)

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 7
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 4
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / September 2024)

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Sep 8
Hike6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Mazama Trail 30th Anniversary: Hike to Eden Park

Grade & Pace
B / 2 (2–2.5 mph)
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 8
ClimbAM - PM

Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse (Sunday)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 8
Lecture9:00am - 1:00pm

FM101: Lecture 2 - Belay (session 2)

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on September 8
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 4
Climb2024 - 2024

Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Acker Rock / September 2024)

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 7
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Matterhorn, Ice Lake

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 9
Course6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Heartsaver® CPR AED Fall 2024: Session 5

Grade & Pace
Hike Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack a walking stick hiking up a hill.
Sep 9
Hike9:30 - 4:00

Mt. St. Helens Medley: A 5-Day Basecamp Exploration

Grade & Pace
B / 1.5 (1.5–2 mph)
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 9
Course7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Heartsaver® CPR AED Fall 2024: Session 6

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 9
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 10
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Belay

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 10
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 11
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 12
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Rappel

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 12
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 13
Climb5:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Hubris (The Ogre), Cosmic Wall

Grade & Pace
D / II
4 Ongoing on September 13
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb6:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mt. Hood (Wy'east), Eliot Glacier Tour

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 14
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Anchors/Rigging Group B

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Bretherton, Lena Lakes

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb5:00 AM - 5:00 PM

She/They/Us Mt. Hubris (The Ogre), Cosmic Wall

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Sahale Mountain, Sahale Arm Cascade Pass

Grade & Pace
B / II
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 14
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Belay & Rappel Group A

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 14
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Outing Icon Icon of a map with a map pin and route.
Sep 8
OutingAfternoon - Afternoon

Southern Olympics Trek

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 15
Climb6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Mt. Hood (Wy'east), Eliot Glacier Tour

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 15
Other8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

WFA instructor Skills Workshop 2024

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 15
Other8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

WFA instructor Skills Workshop 2024

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 15
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Anchors/Rigging Group A

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 15
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Belay & Rappel Group B

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on September 15
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Bretherton, Lena Lakes

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 14
Climb7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Sahale Mountain, Sahale Arm Cascade Pass

Grade & Pace
B / II
3 Ongoing on September 16
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 17
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Alpine Leading

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 17
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

3 Ongoing on September 18
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 19
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 19
Climb9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Broken Top, Green Lakes / NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 19
Other6pm - 9pm

Canyon Practice Session

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 19
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 20
Climb2024 - 2024

SouthTop: South Sister & Broken Top

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 20
Climb7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mt. Thielsen, West Ridge/Standard Route

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 20
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

South Sister, Green Lakes

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 20
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 20
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 19
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 21
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - Belay

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 21
Climb6:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Broken Top, Green Lakes / NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
B / II
6 Ongoing on September 21
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 19
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 20
Climb2024 - 2024

SouthTop: South Sister & Broken Top

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 20
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 22
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - Belay

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 22
Climb4:00 AM - 4:00 PM

South Sister, Green Lakes

Grade & Pace
A / II
6 Ongoing on September 22
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 20
Climb2024 - 2024

SouthTop: South Sister & Broken Top

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 20
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 21
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - Belay

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 23
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 24
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Accident Prevention

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 24
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 25
Fundraising Event5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

130th Anniversary Dinner and Benefit Event

3 Ongoing on September 25
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 26
Field Session6:00pm - 8:30pm

FM101: Skills Refresher / testing (optional)

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on September 26
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 27
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

3 Ongoing on September 27
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 28
Climb8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Yakima Peak, East Ridge

Grade & Pace
A / II
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 28
Climb8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Naches Peak

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 28
OtherNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Maryhill State Park

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 28
Climb6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Castle, Pinnacle & Plummer Peaks, Standard Route

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 28
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Alpine Lead/Belay & Rappel @ Horsethief

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 28
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

South Sister, Green Lakes

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 28
Field SessionAM - PM

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course Day 1

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 28
Climb2024 - 2024

Summer 2024 Naches and Yakima Peaks

4 Ongoing on September 28
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 27
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 29
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Alpine Lead/Belay & Rappel @ Horsethief

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 29
Climb6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Broken Top, Green Lakes / NW Ridge

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Sep 29
Field SessionAM - PM

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course Day 2

Grade & Pace
Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 29
Climb8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Eagle and Chutla Peaks, Longmire Trail

Grade & Pace
A / II
6 Ongoing on September 29
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Climb Icon Icon of a mountain with a flag planted on top.
Sep 27
Climb2024 - 2024

Broken Top and South Sister (Green Lakes)

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Sep 28
OtherNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Maryhill State Park

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on September 30
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Oct 1
Meeting6 PM - 8:00 PM

Mazama Board of Directors' meeting

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 1
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Single-pitch

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on October 1
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
Oct 1
Course2024 - 2024

Steep Snow & Ice: 2024

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

3 Ongoing on October 2
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

3 Ongoing on October 3
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 4
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional) [alternate weekend]

Grade & Pace
3 Ongoing on October 4
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 5
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - Belay Skills [alternate weekend]

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 5
Field SessionAM - PM

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course Day 3

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 5
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Smith Rock Single-Pitch

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 5
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Haystack

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on October 5
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 4
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional) [alternate weekend]

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 6
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - Belay Skills [alternate weekend]

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 6
Field SessionAM - PM

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course Day 4

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 6
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Smith Rock Single-Pitch

Grade & Pace
5 Ongoing on October 6
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Sep 28
Oct 6
Course2024 - 2024

Fall 2024: Mountain LEAD Traditional and Top Rope Climbing Educator Course

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 4
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 1 - camping (optional) [alternate weekend]

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 5
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Haystack

Grade & Pace
Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Oct 7
Other6pm - 9pm

Canyon Practice Session

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 7
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 8
Lecture6:00pm - 9:00pm

FM101: Lecture 3 - Rappel (session 1)

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 8
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 9
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 10
Lecture6:00pm - 9:00pm

FM101: Lecture 3 - Rappel (session 2)

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 10
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 11
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 12
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 13
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 14
Course6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Heartsaver® Hike Leader First Aid/CPR AED Fall 2024: Session 5

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 14
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 15
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Multi-pitch

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 15
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 16
Field Session6:00pm - 9:00pm

FM101: Skills Refresher / testing (optional)

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 16
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 17
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Oct 18
OtherNone - None

FM101: Field Session 2 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 18
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Haystack

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 18
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Smith Rock Movement Clinic (Optional)

Grade & Pace
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 18
Course8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

(HA) Wilderness First Aid (WFA): Fall 2024 Session 4

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 18
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 19
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Smith Rock Multi-Pitch

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 19
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 2 - Rappel

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on October 19
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Oct 18
OtherNone - None

FM101: Field Session 2 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 18
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Haystack

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 20
Field Session8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ICS 2024-25: Smith Rock Multi-Pitch

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 20
Field SessionNone - None

FM101: Field Session 2 - Rappel

Grade & Pace
4 Ongoing on October 20
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Calendar Icon Icon of a calendar.
Oct 18
OtherNone - None

FM101: Field Session 2 - camping (optional)

Grade & Pace
Field Session Icon Icon of a hiker with backpack and walking stick on an open book.
Oct 18
Field SessionNone - None

ICS 2024-25: Overnight Camping @ Haystack

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 21
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Oct 22
Lecture6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

ICS 2024-25: Lecture - Teamwork & Leadership

Grade & Pace
2 Ongoing on October 22
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

2 Ongoing on October 23
Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 27
Mar 5
Course2024 - 2025

Intermediate Climbing School 2024/2025

Lecture Icon Icon of two stacked books.
Aug 1
May 31
Course2024 - 2025

FM101: 2024/25

Currently viewing: Jul 26, 2024 - Oct 23, 2024