2024 FM 101 Info Night recording

FM101 Course Info

Families Mountaineering 101 (FM101) trains adult and youth climbers for entry-level mountaineering activities, including rock and snow climbing skills. This class is an opportunity to get your entire family involved with alpine activities and mountaineering objectives. FM101 is designed to support parents and their children in building a solid foundation of mountaineering skills. Participants of the class will learn the skills required to be a competent member of Mazama “A” or “B” level climbs.

FM101 utilizes one-room schoolhouse style to accommodate kids and adults of all ages. The class will break out into smaller practice and field session groups based upon a number of considerations, including age.

Mazama Mountaineering Center (MMC) sessions are hands-on and interactive. There is a significant amount of field session time to ensure everyone has the opportunity to become proficient with the new skills.

To offer experiential learning, there will be camping out several nights during the class. Snow camping and backpacking will be offered as separate skill builders in the spring following the class.

In addition to all of the great camping opportunities, the class will also be spending the night at the historic Mazama Lodge. 

FM 101 Skills Overview

Basic Skills Rock Skills Snow Skills
Car Camping Belaying Snow Travel
Navigation Rappelling Roped Travel
Outdoor Clothing Movement on Rock Self-Arrest
Conditioning Rock Climbing Glissading
Weather Knots Crampon Technique
First Aid Communication Signals  


Course Details

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08/26 Gear Night 6:00p - 8:00p
09/05 Lecture 1: Intro 6:00p-8:30p
09/07 Lecture 2: Belay 9:00a-1:00p; or
09/08 Lecture 2: Belay 9:00a-1:00p
09/20 - 09/22 Field Session 1: Belay 
09/26 Refresher: Belay (opt.) 6:00p-8:30p
10/04 - 10/06 Field Session 1: Belay (alt.) 
10/08 Lecture 3: Rappel  6:00p-9:00p; or
10/10 Lecture 3: Rappel 6:00p-9:00p
10/16 Refresher: Rappel (opt.) 6:00p-9:00p
10/18 - 10/20 Field Session 2: Rappel 
11/01 - 03 Field Session 2: Rappel (alt.)
11/06 Lecture 4: Nav 6:00p-8:30p
11/09 Field Session 3: Nav. 9:00a-1:00p
11/16 Field Session 3: Nav. (alt.) 9:00a-1:00p
11/20 Climb Night (opt.) 6:00p-8:30p
12/07 Lecture 5: First Aid 9:00a-1:00p
12/11 Climb Night (opt.) 6:00p-8:30p

01/15 Lecture 6: Avy 6:00p-8:30p
01/29 Lecture 7: Snow Skills 6:00p-8:30p
01/31 - 02/02 Field Session 4: Snow Skills 
02/12 Climb Night (opt.) 6:00p-8:30p
02/21 - 02/23 Field Session 4: Snow Skills (alt.)

03/12 Climb Night (opt.) 6:00 PM 8:30 PM
04/16 Climb Night (opt.) 6:00 PM 8:30 PM
05/16 - 05/18 Capstone Weekend
05/30 - 06/01 Capstone Weekend (alt.) 

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Time Commitment

Moderate – FM101 requires a moderate time commitment over a 6–9 month period. There are stints of intense activity followed by breaks in the schedule, some as much as three weeks long. Some optional activities including the much anticipated capstone weekend are scheduled out until May. 

Long – The program can be intensive and is sequential (skills taught during one session help to prepare you for future sessions.) 

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Tuition for the 2024 - 2025 Season is:

  • $650.00 for non-members,
  • $550.00 for members,
  • with an additional 10% discount for students under the age of 14 ($495.00)

There are other costs and fees not covered by your tuition. Some of these fees may include:

  • Parking passes at field sites.
  • Gear costs (purchases and rentals) - roughly $200–$250 per person
  • Gas for travel to and from field sites such as Horsethief Butte and Timberline Lodge.

It is recommended that participants wait to purchase gear until the class begins as those enrolled in Mazama classes receive discounts at local climbing shops.

Tuition for applicants selected as assistants will be prorated based on experience, qualifications and capacity to support the committee with class production.

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Skills Taught

Mountaineering skills including:

technical rock climbing skills: knots, belaying, rappelling, movement on rock, communication, and 

snow skills: snow (glacier) travel, traveling on a rope team, self-arrest, glissading, and footwork,

Other skills include: car camping, navigation, appropriate clothing, conditioning, weather, and first aid.

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FM101 accepts students entering the 3rd grade (approx. 8 years of age) and older; younger children may be considered on a case by case basis by class coordinators. Email with questions.

All participating adults must submit to and pass a background check prior to acceptance.

Adults associated with the FM101 program must review and certify understanding of the Mazama Policy for Working with Youth in addition to passing a background/reference check.

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Scholarship Opportunities

Tuition assistance is available! We are offering a limited number of scholarships to allow families to participate who would not be able to do so without financial assistance and by whose participation can help expand the Mazamas membership base beyond current cultural, economic, and ethnic demographics.

A scholarship is for course tuition ONLY. The Mazamas may cover the cost of your course up to 90 percent of the course tuition based on factors listed above. Other costs associated with the course may apply. You must have access to a computer, smartphone, or tablet to participate in the course. Information about associated costs and logistics is below. All scholarship awardees will qualify for select course gear at a discounted rate.

The tuition assistance and payment plan option is included in the course application; no separate step is needed.

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Application Process

The FM101 application will request information describing your family’s outdoor interests, experience, and why you want to take this class.

Each applicant (including children) will need to create an account on our website and apply for the program individually. Parents will likely create their child's account for them. Each person must have a unique email address to create an account (if you use gmail, creating a unique address is very simple). Contact us if you need assistance with this step.

Adults typically enroll as a student with their currently enrolled child. They may serve as an assistant if they can demonstrate competency in requisite skills. These skills include: knots (overhand, rewoven figure 8, figure 8 on a bight, double fisherman, prusik, girth hitch, clove hitch and alpine butterfly), slingshot belay, rappelling with the use of autoblock, Fixed line of travel and Running belay. One way to meet this requirement is to have participated as a student or instructor in a Mazama BCEP, ICS, AR, or ASI class within the last three years. Please contact the coordinator with questions.

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Children and their participating adult(s) (parents, legal guardians, or adult with permission of the child’s legal guardian) must sign and abide by the Code of Conduct Agreement

Enrolled adults must be accompanied by a currently enrolled child. Adults must fully participate in the course either as students or assistants. Children may not be dropped off or left unaccompanied for a session.

All participating adults must submit to and pass a background check. All adults associated with FM101 will also review and certify understanding of the Mazama Policy for Working with Youth.

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We do not recommend making any new gear purchases before the Gear Night.  More specific information about required gear and timing will be available at Information Night.

Essential Gear

  • Backpack (seek advice from your instructors before buying a new one)
  • Sturdy boots for hiking (same as above)
  • Water bottle or hydration bladder (about 2 liters)
  • Rain shell (seek advice from your instructors before buying a new one)
  • Ten Essentials, including a whistle for all minors
  • First aid kit
  • Pocket knife/multi-tool
  • Headlamp & extra batteries
  • Sun protection (Sunscreen, lip-balm, sunglasses)
  • Extra synthetic clothes (hat, mittens, long sleeve shirt, insulating layer)
  • Camping gear including a 3 or 4 season tent, sleeping pads, sleeping bag rated for temperatures down to 20–30 degrees, etc. (needed before the first camping session)
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Standard Climbing Gear

Standard Climbing Gear

Climbing harness
Locking carabiners
Non-locking carabiners
Nylon slings
Tubular belay device
Prusik slings
13 cm Sterling Hollow block
Climbing helmet
Tubular belay device

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Recommended Reading

Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, published by the Mountaineers Books

Allen and Mike’s Really Cool Backpacking Book, by Allen O’Bannon and Mike Clelland

Get Your Kids Hiking: How to Start Them Young and Keep it Fun!, by Jeff Alt

FM 101 Class Handbook will be made available to students enrolled in the class.

The above titles are available to Mazama members from the Mazama Library.

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Graduation Requirements

Students who who participate in all field sessions and pass the FM101 Practical Skills Assessment will receive an FM101 Graduation Certificate. This certificate is equivalent to receiving a BCEP badge. Students with an FM101 Graduation Certificate will be considered qualified to participate in both Mazamas “A” and “B” level climbs. Mazamas climbs are graded to indicate approximate experience and/or ability levels required. To view the description of ‘A’ and ‘B’ level climbing grade, visit the Getting Started with Mazamas Climbing webpage. Scroll down and review the section labeled “climb grades.”

FM 101 Course Activities

The list below includes the next 10 course activities in FM101. Click the link to get all activities related to this course. 

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