Current Mazama Magazine

Mazama Magazine

The Mazama Magazine is a bi-monthly publication containing articles, stories, news, photos, and other relevant and interesting information for our community. Members receive a print copy of the magazine every other month. 

Find the past two years of magazine at

If you would like to submit content to the Bulletin, please do so via this form. All content for print consideration, must be submitted by the second Monday of the month preceding the issue. Upcoming deadlines for 2024 are: 

  • August 12 for the Sep/Oct 2024 issue
  • October 14 for the Nov/Dec 2024 issue

Interested in advertising options?  

Mazama Style Guide

If you would like to subscribe to the Bulletin, it is $15/year for 6 issues. Order Now.

Typical word counts

  • Monthly committee activity/report: 350-700
  • Outing listings: 80 (short) - 260 (long)
  • ½ page blurb/short article: 300-350
  • 1 page article: 600-750
  • Feature article: 1200 - 2200
  • Author bio (to be submitted with 1 – 2 page articles; include author photo): 50 - 80

Mazama Annual

Mazama Annuals are published as resources and funding allows. The most recent Annual is the combined 2017/2018 edition. A printed copy of the most recent annual can be purchased here

2017/2018 Mazama Annual

PDFs of Publications