Interested in volunteering? This is a mandatory training for anyone interested in leading hikes for the Mazamas. In this training, you will learn about representing the Mazamas as a volunteer and the standard procedures for leading a hike.

Registration for this training closes 48 hours in advance so that participants have time to review materials and instructors have adequate time to prepare for the training. Late additions will not be accepted.

Activity Notes

Interested in volunteering? This is a mandatory training for anyone interested in leading hikes for the Mazamas. In this training, you will learn about representing the Mazamas as a volunteer and the standard procedures for leading a hike.

Currently Hike Leader Training is a virtual class being taught on Zoom. You will be notified by email a couple of days before class regarding the Zoom link and (attached) handouts to be printed & reviewed prior to class. See on the web!

Other Information
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