Activity Notes

This is a classic Portland hike that is a great addition to your hiking repertoire.  It is close, cheap to get to, and offers endless variations while you explore the stairs and trails right here in town.  For all those times when weather, time or motivation prevents you from tearing out into the great outdoors, Forest Park is a great alternative.

First Crown is Council Crest Park, with a commanding view over the city.  The second crown is Hoyt Arboretum, where over 1100 species of trees and plants are part of a living laboratory and specimen collection. Here we will take an extended break to introduce you to some basic climbing skills.  Finally, at the Pittock Mansion, we reach the final crown.  By taking advantage of TriMet's great system of light rail and buses we can finish the coronation of our hike with a stop at a great local pizza place.

 We will plan on using TriMet to travel to the trailhead, since it will be a part of our hike anyway, and saves the hassle of finding a place to park in busy Goose Hollow.