The Oregon Coast Trail crosses Neahkahnie Mountain from Short Sand Beach and descends to Manzanita. This hike, mostly within the boundaries of Oswald West State Park, takes you from the majestic old growth around Necarney Creek to the clifftop views of the Devils Cauldron; then you cross meadows frequented by elk to hike up Neahkahnie Mountain to a spectacular viewpoint. You'll descend to the South Neahkahnie Mountain Trailhead. From there, there's a mile and a half of road walking, including a mile and a quarter along the shoulder of busy Highway 101 (There is a path for pedestrians), but the scenic views make the loop worthwhile.

Activity Notes

Beginning at Short Sands Trailhead, hike south to Neahkahnie Mountain summit via the newly reopened north route. Rain or shine- don't forget your rain gear! Carpool from the Target in Hillsboro, right off Hwy 26 at 8AM,  trailhead meeting time at 9:30AM. 




Carpool Spreadsheet:

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 156 miles
Distance - Round Trip 8 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day