Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is a wildlife preserve, one of the national wildlife refuges operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, located in the westernmost part of Clark County, Washington. The refuge protects more than 5,200 acres of marshes, grasslands, and woodlands.

Activity Notes

This day consists of birds and wildflowers with some hiking.  We will start at the River S Unit of the Refuge (south Ridgefield), meeting at the beginning of the auto tour route; typically this auto tour takes about two hours including a brief walk to an overlook.  I have not seen so much water in the refuge and we will be at the peak of North migration season so bring binoculars as there should be thousands of birds.  From River S we go through downtown Ridgefield to the north edge of town to the Carty Unit of the Refuge where we will hike all the trails that are open which could be as few as 2.5 miles due to restricted areas during migration.  500 year-old oak trees, deer, and more birds highlight this section of the hike.  

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 18 miles
Distance - Round Trip 4 miles
General Route Info Ridgefield NWR has two sections open to the public, River S Unit and Carty Unit. Typically the hike starts with the River S which is traveled by car except that May-Sept one can also hike the Kiwa Trail in River S, a 1.2 mile loop, and can hike the 4.2 mile car route then as well. The Carty Unit is designed for hiking with several trails that can add up to as much as 4 miles including a grove of the oldest oak trees in the west and Cathlapotle Plankhouse, and Native American structure. Water levels can affect availablity of hiking trails.
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Interesting Features Birds
Relevant Books Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (on-line pamphlet)
Relevant Maps Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (on-line pamphlet)
Useful Links