Activity Notes

Eagle Creek is one of the most spectacular hikes in the Gorge, with multiple waterfalls and a trail that likes to skirt the edges of cliffs. It has re-opened after being closed for most of 4 years following the 2017 fire and seems ripe for exploring!

We will be aiming to make it to the Tunnel Falls/Twister Falls area, which makes for 12 or so miles round trip. Afterward we will likely stop in Cascade Locks for a burger to unwind.

Departure location: Gateway Transit Center at 7AM. This trail is a popular spot on a weekend, so I'm hoping this is early enough to get us parking spots at the trailhead. If not, we'll just park slightly farther away. Carpooling is encouraged, especially with the price of gas! If you do carpool, bring some money for your driver.

Gear: 10 essentials, good footwear, rain gear if rain is forecast

Covid: As most restrictions have been lifted in Oregon, I will not be enforcing any special measures related to Covid.


Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 74 miles
Distance - Round Trip 12 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps CG-F
Awards Qualified Waterfall Award, Wild Ones