This route begins at an elevation of 7,200 feet. The steep but well maintained trail leaves the trailhead parking/turn-around area and ascends the sagebrush & grass slopes to the ridge. The first 2,500 vertical feet follow a steep trail without switchbacks. At about 10,200 ft, you'll reach treeline. Follow the knife-edge ridge up to the exposed "Chicken-out Ridge." This part of the climb has acquired a nasty reputation, but if you have any climbing/scrambling experience at all, you won't have any trouble. Continue following the ridge to a high point (not yet the summit), then descend a couple hundred feet to the base of the final summit ridge. Scramble up this for about 800 vertical feet to the summit. The round trip should take the average hiker 10 to 12 hours, but fast climbers can easily do the round trip in 5 hours or less (in good conditions).

Activity Notes

Mt. Borah is the high point of the state of Idaho and is located in the Lost River Range.  At over 12,500 feet with 6000 feet of prominence it is an imposing peak made of grey limestone.  The first part of the climb involves a steep trail that becomes steeper and more scree covered as you go (total ascent is just under 5300 ft in 4.1 miles).  The crux of the climb is a 3rd-4th class scramble know as Chicken Out Ridge.  Though not particularly difficult climbing there is a lot of exposure.  Though this is listed as a B level climb it is not a straightforward hiking objective.

Camping is available at the trailhead though the facilities are minimal.  No potable water is available but an outhouse is.  We will meet at the trailhead the evening of August 31st and have a dinner time meeting at ~6:00. 

The trailhead can be found here:,+Salmon+Challis+National+Forest,+Birch+Springs+Rd,+Mackay,+ID+83251/@44.1324763,-113.8366521,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x53562819a355e683:0x9e1f96ad86ff7f95!2sBorah+Peak+Trailhead!8m2!3d44.1324725!4d-113.8344634!3m4!1s0x535628194dbcca7b:0xd1b2c4a24d83de63!8m2!3d44.1328551!4d-113.8359641

Prior to the climb, Craters of the Moon National Monument offers camping and is a worthwhile park to explore for a day.  There is an excellent visitor center, several cinder cones to hike and some very fun lava tube caves to explore.  Lodging can also be found in the town of Arco (1 hour from the TH) or Mackay (30 minutes from the TH) before the climb if you are arriving early.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 673 miles
Driving Time from Portland 12 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Books Don Holmes - Highpoints of the United States: A Guide to the Fifty State Summits
Relevant Maps USGS Borah Peak Quad Google map