Del Campo Peak is in the Monte Cristo area, a region with a rich history of attempted mining development in the early 1900s. These attempts were unsuccessful and the town of Monte Cristo abandoned. Del Campo is named for a mine on its slopes. Foggy Lake is nestled above Gothic Basin, a beautiful alpine basin surrounded by Del Campo Peak, Castle Rocks and Gothic Peak. This can be a problem area for car break-ins, so try not to leave anything tempting in your car.

Activity Notes

This climb is part of a Multi part activity with Gothic Peak.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 250 miles
Driving Time from Portland 5 hours
General Route Info USFS Darrington Ranger District Office: 360-436-1155
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days
Relevant Books Climbing Washington's Mountains by Jeff Smoot Cascade Alpine Guide: Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass by Fred Beckey 75 Scrambles in Washington by Peggy Goldman
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Bedal, Monte Cristo. Green Trails Sloan Peak #111, Monte Cristo #143 Google map
Useful Links