As of January 2017, the Bonneville Hot Springs Resort & Spa has been closed to public entry. The Dick Thomas Trailhead at the former resort is no longer an option. The only legal choice for hikers is to begin this hike at the Bonneville Trailhead:

  • Distance: 15.5 miles round trip
  • Elevation gain: 4320 feet

Activity Notes

To me, this is the most challenging and rewarding of all hikes in the Columbia Gorge. We will traverse an active landslide zone and then ascend the incredibly steep Heartbreak Ridge trail, which climaxes in a giant boulder field. From there it's an easy jaunt to a great view of the Gorge and nearby volcanoes, after which we will descend the steep boulders of the West Ridge. Perhaps the hardest part of the day is traversing back through the landslide zone, at least for anyone who remembers when the trailhead was much closer to the mountain. The stats are now 16 miles and 3,200' gain.

Please note that the Mazamas are adhering to all state and local regulations in offering our activities. Review our policies here: You will be required to wear a mask within 6-ft of another person and to always have a mask at the ready in case we pass by others on the trail. We actively discourage carpooling at this time. If you are sick, you are asked to stay home.

Everyone will need to drive themselves, unless you're carpooling with a participant already in your COVID bubble. A NW Forest Pass or other federal pass is required at the trailhead.


Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 84 miles
Distance - Round Trip 10 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps CG5
Awards Qualified Awesome Ridges Award, Gorge High Points