Required before enrolling: BCEP or have a current belay card at a local rock gym.

This skill-builder will touch on the following skills/topics 

  • Top rope belay including necessary knots
  • Demonstrating/discussing sport climbing anchors
  • Cleaning single pitch sport routes
  • Convert to lower
  • Crag etiquette
  • Assessing and choosing routes

Activity Notes

Come out and join the ICS committee as we introduce you to climbing at Smith Rock. A small group of students will be pared with two instructors that will set up some top rope routes at Smith Rock State Park. Each group will go over Crag ethics, knots, belay technique and discuss other questions the student might have about climbing at the crag. 

A Zoom Class will be held on Wednesday Oct 28th at 6:30 pm. A link will be provided upon acceptance to the class.

Class includes one night of camping at Haystack Reservoir, located just north of the Park. Students and assistants will be grouped into 5 (3 students and 2 assistants) and will meet at the park in a predetermined location. The class will begin with a zoom meeting prior to the weekend to discuss logistic and any other general questions.

COVID Related Info:

We will limit the number of students to 12 per day and split them into 4 groups of three, each with two instructors.

We will not be gathering as a full group at Smith Rock, but rather meeting up in small climbing groups.

We will ask all students and assistants to review the Mazamas full COVID policies prior to the event