Start at headquarters for Ft. Vancouver NHS, hike through Officers Row, stop at Mother Joseph's Academy, go through the Farmer's Market to the new Pier at the Waterfront Park, continue east to Wendy the Welder statue, back over the Maya Lin Land Bridge to headquarters.

Activity Notes

This is a hike for the Classics members of Mazamas.  We will go at a leisurely pace.  After meeting in front of Peason Air Museum, 1115 East. 5th, Vancouver at 9:30 a.m. we will follow the hike as outlined in the description except we will spend more time on the new Vancouver Waterfront.  We can easily maintain social distancing and wear masks for this hike.  The weather forecast is for a very hot day but we will be done by 1 p.m., beating the heat and finding a place for some cool drinks.

Call Jim at 828-508-5094 or email him at for any questions.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 32 miles
Driving Time from Portland 0 hours
Distance - Round Trip 5 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Interesting Features Tunnel