As of January 2017, the Bonneville Hot Springs Resort & Spa has been closed to public entry. The Dick Thomas Trailhead at the former resort is no longer an option. The only legal choice for hikers is to begin this hike at the Bonneville Trailhead:

  • Distance: 15.5 miles round trip
  • Elevation gain: 4320 feet

Activity Notes

This hike is no joke.

It is hard. The weather is getting worse. 

Have everything you need for yourself and maybe a few extras for others, including but not limited to: Ten essentials, waterproofs, at least 2-4 liters of water, food, etc. NO COTTON! SERIOUSLY. No tri-blends. Your underwear shouldn't even be cotton. Pure synthetic, moisture-wicking, and wool are the names of the game. 

This will be an exploratory hike, but it looks to be one of the better Gorge hikes as far as variance. 

If you've been on a hike with me, you know that I like to give a wide berth on timing, and enjoy a stop for food and beverages before we call it. Let's meet at 6:30AM at the Mazamas MMC Parking Lot, break into carpools and head to the dam trailhead

As always, call, text, or email me with questions: (360)440-9830,

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 84 miles
Distance - Round Trip 10 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps CG5
Awards Qualified Awesome Ridges Award, Gorge High Points