This is an B level Mazama Hike that occurs in a non-wilderness area. B level hikes are moderate or more challenging hikes with either less than 15 miles in distance with between 1,500 and 3,000 feet elevation gain or between 8 and 15 miles in distance with less than 1,500 feet of elevation gain.

Please check out the details tab to learn more about this specific hike, including the route name and meeting location.

Activity Notes

Hike begins at Kings Mountain trailhead.  Instead of heading straight up Kings Mountain trail however, we make a left onto Wilson River Trail.  We follow this up about 1.8 miles to unmarked junction with Kings Junior trail.  We follow Kings Junior trail steeply up to open area on rocky ridge crest.  There are views south to the Moore and Ben Smith Creek drainages and a steep drop-off below. Burrow through Douglas-firs along the crest reaching a high point with no view, but there have been glimpses of the Kings Mountain summit and west ridge through the trees.  At that point we head steeply down before heading back up and connecting back to Kings Mountain Trail.  We will continue on the Kings Mountain trail to the summit.  For our return we will follow the Kings Mountain trail back to the trailhead.  Hike is about 5.8 miles with 2,700 feet elevation gain.  We are meeting at Target but let me know if anyone wants me to pick them up at Sunset Transit on my way over there.

Other Information
General Route Info Will vary based on route chosen. Check the Activity & Leader Notes.