Activity Notes

Leadership Training: How to Teach Multi-pitch Climbing (Wednesday 8/28)

This activity is targeted towards members of the climb leadership in the Mazamas, specifically LD candidates. ICS and AR instructors are welcome to join us, given available space.

This training will cover a number of topics including teaching, efficiency, and risk management in a multi-pitch climbing environment. We will specifically focus on techniques for teams-of-two, and teams-of-three multi-pitch climbing.

The skill requirements include that you...

  • feel you're ready to be a multi-pitch instructor
  • have experience with outdoor lead-climbing and multi-pitch climbing
  • are comfortable solidly lead-climbing 5.6 sport 
  • are fundamentally aware and understand how to build two-point and three-point anchors
  • are capable of belaying using a device in guide-mode on the anchor