Activity Notes

Come along for an overnight snowshoe during the hibernal solstice weekend. We'll trek to a cozy cabin on the scenic east face of Mt Hood. Winter sleeping bag and snowshoes required.

Friday: Trek TJ  trail (#643A) (3 miles). Stay at cabin.

Saturday: Day hike Tilly Jane trail (#600A) from cabin.

Sunday: Sweep up, return to car on Tilly Jane Ski trail (#643) (2.5 miles).

Tilly Jane Guard Station has a cap of eight visitors or fewer. The cabin has a fireplace, propane oven, lights, kitchen, and wood stove. Water is available as snowmelt from Tilly Jane creek. Minimum hike 6.0 miles RT, 2100'. Drive 180.


Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 166 miles
Distance - Round Trip 8 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps MH2
Awards Qualified Awesome Ridges Award, Mt. Hood Award, Wild Ones