Mt. Cruiser is the highest peak of the craggy Sawtooth Range, rising just east of the scenic Flapjack Lake area. Smoot writes: "Mt. Olympus notwithstanding, Mt. Cruiser is probably the classic climb of the Olympic Mountains, definitely one of the best rock climbs in the range." Wow, sign me up! (Cruiser's photo on the cover of the Olympic Climber's guide does not hurt the popularity either.). After ascending a gully (hard snow in early season, rock in late season), and some traversing, two pitches of easy 5th class rock gets you to the top. Like many Olympic climbs, the approach trail is flat for a ways along a drainage, and then gets steep - 3,200 feet up in the last 4 miles. It's a 16 mile round trip from the car. Flapjack Lake is a popular destination - consider a weekday climb to make it easier to get the required backcountry camping permit (from the Staircase Ranger Station).

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 160 miles
Driving Time from Portland 3 hours
General Route Info Olympic Nat Park HQ: 360-452-4501, Staircase Ranger Station: 360-877-5569 Summitpost -
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days
Interesting Features Mountain Views, Old Growth Trees
Relevant Books Climber's Guide to the Olympic Mountains by Olympic Mountain Rescue Climbing Washington's Mountains by Jeff Smoot
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Mt. Steel, Green Trails #167, Mt. Steel, and Trails Illustrated, Olympic Nat. Park. Custom Correct maps are great also Google map
Useful Links