Starting from North Falls, this backcountry loop takes the Perimeter Trail to the Buck Mountain Loop to a 0.4 mile road to the Rackett Ridge Trail. These trails are more popular with mountain bikers and horse riders than hikers. The Silver Falls Backcountry's forest is interesting at all times a year, but there are neither mountain views nor waterfalls on this route.

Activity Notes

This hike is a nice alternative to the more popular waterfalls hike in the park.

We will hike 13 miles with an elevation gain of approx. 1800' and see no waterfalls at all.

Instead, we will hike in the back country of the park in solitude through lovely forest

among old growth and visit 2 ranch houses along the way.

Drive 142 miles round trip. Drivers must pay $ 5.00 parking fee.









Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 55 miles
Driving Time from Portland 1 hours
Distance - Round Trip 17 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
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