Mt. Aix is the dominant Cascades peak in the William O. Douglas Wilderness just east of Mt. Rainier National Park -- and ranks as the 39th most prominent peak in the Washington Cascades (7766' elevation). With a southwest exposure and located in Mt. Rainier's rain shadow, this peak is often accessible earlier in the season than many peaks of comparable height. Great views of the surrounding Cascade peaks and often mountain goats.

Activity Notes

Climbing the highest peak in the William O Douglas wilderness area east of Mt Rainier involves a nice trail to a fun scramble. I expect our route to be snow-free. For much of the ascent, we should see farther off mountains, such as Mt Rainier and Mt Adams. Mt Aix will finally come into view once we veer away from the Nelson Ridge saddle. Pretty soon thereafter, we will don our climbing helmets. Expect to hike 11.5 miles and to ascend 4,400'.

We will camp free at the trailhead, displaying our NW/US forest passes. There are many flat sites, but bring your own water. 

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 203 miles
Driving Time from Portland 4 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Books Cascade Alpine Guide, Volume I, Columbia River to Stevens Pass by Fred Beckey
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Bumping Lake & Timberwolf Mountain Google map