BCEP Hike with your team.

Activity Notes

Oregonhikers.org says "At 4,959 feet, Mount Defiance is the highest point in the the Columbia River Gorge. This loop hike, with its almost 5,000-foot elevation gain, has become a popular training course for mountaineers and trail runners. It's also considered the toughest hiking challenge in the area. You begin at Starvation Creek State Park along Interstate 84 on the Columbia River. From there, it's a relentless ascent."

This is purely a training hike as we will focus on efficiency, break/food management and pacing.  We will not practice skills on Mt. Defiance. This is a good warm up for a Mt. Hood south side climb as the elevation gain is similar, though the altitude is not.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 60 miles
Driving Time from Portland 1 hours