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Activity Notes

Looking to emerge out of the holiday hibernation for an urban adventure? Join us as we take on the Mountain Goat loop up to the highest point in Portland and down to the lowest at the Willamette River. The total loop we'll accomplish is approx. 9 miles and 1000 ft of elevation gain. 

We'll meet at George Himes Park at 9 AM then begin our adventure either way up to the summit of Council Crest or down to the river for bigger gains depending on what works best for the group. While this is an urban hike, hikers should be prepared for 9 miles of hiking with proper snacks/hydration. 

Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) offers activities targeted to those in their 20s and 30s and anyone young at heart. All activities are open everyone, regardless of age.

Other Information
Expected Duration Car to car in one day