Activity Notes

Join AYM for a hike along Eagle Creek Trail to Tunnel Falls and Twister Falls! This hike is a PAWfect Fall choice as it is just as beautiful in moody-grey-clouds, as it is in bright-warm-sunshine! Four legged friends are encouraged to attend, but to maintain a reasonable group size, we are limiting the number of pups to 4. Please email Heather at to reserve a spot for your pup!

We'll probably stop at Sugarpine on our way home for some foodies and ICE CREAM!

Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) offers activities targeted to those in their 20s, 30s, and anyone young at heart. All activities are open everyone, regardless of age. Come join us!

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 74 miles
Distance - Round Trip 12 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps CG-F
Awards Qualified Waterfall Award, Wild Ones