Generic packpack trip activity. Please be sure to include your specific details in your activity instance notes.

Activity Notes

Come along for an overnight trip to Clear Lake Lookout, a remote cabin in the Mt Hood backcountry. The USFS rental can only be accessed by snowshoes or skis, from a distance of 3.2 miles.

Apply to join. If new, take a few minutes to create a profile, listing outdoor experience.

  • Saturday: Snowshoe to Clear Lake Lookout (3 miles).
  • Sunday: Clean cabin, return to sno-park

Winter sleeping bag, pad and overnight gear required. Shared group chores of gathering snow and firewood.


Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) offers outdoor activities year-round targeted to younger adults in their 20s & 30s. All activities are open to everyone eighteen and over who can safely participate in our events.

Other Information
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days