Angel's Rest is one of the most popular hikes in the Columbia Gorge and affords gorgeous views of the Columbia River from it's summit. You'll hike through varied terrain, including lush green forest, a barren area from the 1991 forest fire, as well as pass by a waterfall.

This short hike is well worth the effort. Plan to arrive early on spring and summer weekends as it can get very crowded.

Activity Notes

This is a qualifying hike for new hike leader Kate Cornelius. 

Come hike Angel's Rest with us! This moderate 4.5-mile hike has about 1500ft of elevation gain ending with a beautiful view of the Columbia River Gorge. We'll hike to the top of Coopey Falls, a 150-175 foot horsetail waterfall, cross the footbridge, then hike up some switchbacks to the summit where we'll take a snack break. 

Be sure to bring layers, including a rain jacket ('tis the season!), and wear technical apparel/socks (avoid cotton) - please check the weather the day of the hike to be prepared (it'll be 5-10 degrees cooler at the top and may be windy). Bring 1-2 liters of water and snacks for along the trail and our break at the top. I recommend leaving additional water and food in your car for the drive home! Be sure to wear sturdy footwear, as there are some rocky areas. Even though this is a short hike not too far from home, remember that the Gorge is still wild - we recommend packing the 10 Essentials and being prepared!

Please note there are no bathrooms at the trailhead. No parking pass is needed. Please don't leave valuables in your car.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 42 miles
Distance - Round Trip 4 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Interesting Features Old Growth Trees, Ridgelines, Spectacular Views, Waterfalls
Relevant Maps CG1
Awards Qualified Waterfall Award
Useful Links