Loop hike in East - West Forest transition zone east of Mt. Hood. Is on the path of the fall Raptor bird migration.

Activity Notes

Take the scenic route to watch the raptor migration at HawkWatch's Bonney Butte site.  We'll start at the Wamic Road and climb up to Bonney Meadows before dropping down to Boulder and Spinner lakes and following the ridge back up for a late lunch and some hawk-watching.  Possible features include: fall colors, huckleberries, pikas, lakes, vistas, raptors! 15-16 miles @2mph and occasional stops.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 150 miles
Driving Time from Portland 2 hours
Distance - Round Trip 10 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Interesting Features Ridgelines
Relevant Books 365 Hiking PDX - #97- Matt Reeder