One of a handful of alpine rock routes in OR, this is a fairly easy day climb - one short pitch of easy 5th class rock then a scramble to the top. Combine with Three Fingered Jack for an alpine rock weekend. A rappel on the descent is required. Duct taping your boot tops is recommended for the scree descent. If approaching from the west side campgrounds at Big Lake, the maze of trail crossings near the trailhead can be tricky - pay attention on the way in and perhaps mark the right path for the hike out! Enjoy a swim in Big Lake when you are done, and try out the occasionally amazing echo with a yell across the lake at night.

Activity Notes

We will meet the night before at around 7:00-8:00 pm to discuss the climb.  Climb will begin at around 5:00 am (to be decide the night before).  We will hike south on the PCT a few miles to the climber's trail junction to the NW ridge of the mountain.  We will hike up the ridge to the base of the summit block (~500' high feature) (See gear list).  I will set up the rock pitches.  First pitch will be a mixed handline and belay.  The next 2 pitches will be handlines.  After everyone gains the summit, we will descend the top 2 handlines and rappel the last pitch.  Descent will be either the scree slop or the NW ridge - depending on the mood of the team. Total expected trip time is around 12 hours.

Weather Forecast Link:

Great Map Link:

Link to Carpool sign-up:

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 140 miles
Driving Time from Portland 2 hours
General Route Info summitpost mountain forecast erics base camp trip report
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Books Oregon High by Jeff Thomas Summit Guide to the Cascade Volcanoes, by Jeff Smoot
Relevant Maps USGS 7.5 minute series, Mt. Washington, and Geo-Graphics, Mt. Washington Google map
Awards Qualified 16 Major NW Peaks, Seven Oregon Cascades Peaks