Angel's Rest is one of the most popular hikes in the Columbia Gorge and affords gorgeous views of the Columbia River from it's summit. You'll hike through varied terrain, including lush green forest, a barren area from the 1991 forest fire, as well as pass by a waterfall.

This short hike is well worth the effort. Plan to arrive early on spring and summer weekends as it can get very crowded.

Activity Notes

This is a She, They, Us activity!

She, They, Us is an inclusive and welcoming community of women, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming folx interested in the outdoors. We create opportunities for women, gender non-conforming, and genderqueer people to learn new skills, hike, and climb in a safe environment. We strive to encourage each other and promote growth in order to build a new generation of climbers through mentorship. By supporting each other, we help each other achieve goals outdoors, feel empowered to try new things, and grow. We hope to build a supportive network and foster a sense of belonging for all who participate in our affinity group activities. We are committed to anti-racism and welcome dialogue about intersectionality. Our vision for this affinity group is to offer activities that celebrate diversity for historically underrepresented gender expressions in the climbing and outdoor space. She, They, Us is a collaborative space that will continue to evolve and grow, informing and inspiring each other along a path to further awareness.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 42 miles
Distance - Round Trip 4 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Interesting Features Old Growth Trees, Ridgelines, Spectacular Views, Waterfalls
Relevant Maps CG1
Awards Qualified Waterfall Award
Useful Links