Snowshoe the Tilly Jane Trail to the Tilly Jane A-frame

Activity Notes

Welcome to the final "hike" of the Conditioning Series! It's been quite a ride to get here. Join me on this final, celebratory, snowshoe to the timberline of Mt. Hood for spectacular views of the mountain (weather permitting) most BCEP students are set on climbing at the conclusion of the program.

This snowshoe will cover 2000' in 3.5 miles with a weighted pack and showshoes. Don't let the stats fool you. Even though this is a reduction in stats from hike 5, snowshoeing is tough work! This last hike is designed to give you a physical challenge, experience traveling over snow, and to get you excited for what's waiting for you at the end of BCEP.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 95 miles
Driving Time from Portland 2 hours
Distance - Round Trip 5 miles
Interesting Features Mountain Views