Mt. Stuart, one of the true classic peaks of the Cascades, has a series of famous routes up it's massive granite flanks. Ulrich's is not necessarily one of them, but it's a good alternative to the often dusty trudge up Cascadian, the other "easy" route on Stuart. Ulrich's takes a fairly direct line from the South, heading up a slightly more technical route than the oft climbed Cascadian Couloir, and returns via the Cascadian. There's some exposed 4th class on this long gully, and a climb team needs to move fast and be efficient. Binoculars can be good to scope the route on the approach over Longs Pass. Be sure to bring a photocopy of the route guidebook to find the right gully. Note: Beckey writes: €œThe couloir has loose bedrock and is not recommended in the late summer when the snow melts.€ Ulrich's might be better as an early season snow route. Forest fires are common in this area in the summer - call the USFS before you leave town to be sure the trails are open.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 275 miles
Driving Time from Portland 5 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days
Relevant Books Cascade Alpine Guide: Columbia River to Stevens Pass by Fred Beckey
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Mt. Stuart, WA, and Green Trails: Mt. Stuart, WA No 209 <href="http: "="" adventure="" c463="" starts-here="" title="On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page """ your="">On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page <href="http:"" maps?f="q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=mount+stuart+98826&sll=47.481017,-120.992432&sspn=0.542021,1.455688&ie=UTF8&ll=47.47246,-120.899434&spn=0.016941,0.04549&t=p&z=15"" title="Google map">Google map</href="http:></href="http:>
Awards Qualified 16 Major NW Peaks