Take a late winter getaway to warm, dry, and scenic Death Valley National Park in southern California. We will have a variety of hikes, from easy walks to moderately strenuous day trips up various canyons, washes, and peaks. There are cultural and historical activities - Scottie’s Castle (if open), Furnace Creek Inn, and abandoned mines and ghost towns. Wildlife viewing, including desert pupfish, bighorn sheep, reptiles, birds and insects is possible. March is around the wildflower bloom, which is very impressive in some years.

Those interested in photography should bring their camera gear. We have the opportunity to view sunrise, sunset, and wildflowers in different areas of the park, such as Zabriskie Point, Badwater, and the sand dunes. This is also a dark sky park, and we have some moonless nights for great views of the heavens.

The trip will be low key and non-regimented. Participants may go off on their own or be part of organized activities, as they desire. Be prepared for a variety of weather conditions, as it can be hot and cold the same day, as well as windy. We will camp seven nights at the Furnace Creek group campground. Participants responsible for their transportation (flying to Las Vegas and car rental, or driving from Portland.)