In May 2018, the Mazamas, alongside many of our partner organizations, worked with #SafeOutside to circulate a survey on sexual harassment and sexual assault in the climbing community with our community. This survey data showed that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 6 men reported having experienced sexual harassment or assault. While these statistics should not be surprising—they align with national statistics—they are sobering. 

At the Mazamas we know sexual harassment and sexual assault are issues we face within our own community, and we are committed to creating an environment free from all forms of harassment, assault, and unlawful discrimination of any kind. We expect all employees, leaders, volunteers, members, and participants to treat each other in a respectful manner and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times. If you or someone you know has experienced, witnessed, or fears harassment or assault, we have resources and procedures for addressing complaints. You can read our full policy here.

Over the next 12 months we will be creating and implementing trainings to help educate our leadership teams and volunteers on identifying and preventing sexual harassment and assault. We need to all understand what it is, the different forms it takes, and how we can all act as advocates to help prevent it from occurring.

If you experience sexual harassment or sexual assault that in any way relates to a Mazama activity, employee, leader, or volunteer, we request that you please fill out our reporting form. If you do not feel safe reporting your name, you can fill out the report anonymously. It is only through reporting that we can make our environment a safe environment for everyone. Incident Report Form.


#SafeOutside is an independent grassroots initiative designed to combat sexual harassment and sexual assault (SHSA). Organizations from climbing and outdoor communities around the world have joined forces to collect data, drive conversation, share best practices, provide press coverage and address the issues. Learn More about Safe Outside.