Designed by Mazamas, the Larry Young and Paula Craig Instructional Climbing Walls are made specifically for teaching and learning outdoor climbing techniques in an indoor setting. That’s why they’re jammed with features you won’t find in a normal gym. The terrain on these walls goes from easy to strenuous and vertical to steeply overhung, but with an emphasis on scenarios for beginning to intermediate climbers.
For crack climbing, the walls offer finger cracks, hand cracks and fist jams, not to mention a short but nasty off-width challenge (bring your tape!). Sport climbers will find a number of crimpy faces to work on, and trad climbers can practice slinging chockstones and huecos, placing gear and building anchors. For aid climbing practice, the walls offer an overhung bolt ladder. The walls are equipped with belay ledges as well as hanging belays to enable students to practice rope management and multi-pitch belay techniques, in addition to the single-pitch slingshot method.
For those interested in working on their movement skills, the walls have numerous basic boulder problems and a set of marked routes for roped climbing.