Observation Rock is an apt name for this remnant vent on the north side of Rainier, about 4 miles NNW of Rainier's summit crater. Understandably, Ob Rock's summit provides unmatched views of the north faces and glaciers of Rainier. Even with its friable nature, Ob Rock is a popular objective. This route is a beginner ice climb on a north-facing ice sheet. The peak can be climbed in a day from the Mowich Lake trailhead. Some crevasses exist but these are mostly avoidable.

Activity Notes

Leave on tuesday, camp close to Mowich lake. I will send driving information to selected climbers.

Early start wednesday morning. Hike in to base of route, where I will lead up. 3-4 moderate ice pitches. Descend scramble route, hike out and drive back.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 200 miles
Driving Time from Portland 4 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Books Scrambles in Washington by Peggy Goldman Cascade Alpine Guide: Columbia River to Stevens Pass by Fred Beckey
Relevant Maps USGS Mowich Lake, Green Trails Mt. Rainier West 269