This is an B level Mazama Hike that occurs in a non-wilderness area. B level hikes are moderate or more challenging hikes with either less than 15 miles in distance with between 1,500 and 3,000 feet elevation gain or between 8 and 15 miles in distance with less than 1,500 feet of elevation gain.

Please check out the details tab to learn more about this specific hike, including the route name and meeting location.

Activity Notes

Idiot creek is in the coast range and the trailhead starts at the Elk Creek trailhead. Cross the west fork of Elk creek on a single handrail bridge and up we go from there on an evenly graded trial with 16 switchbacks to the top (We call it sweet sixteen). Lots of Sword fern, Doug Fir, and some western Hemlock. At the top there is a viewpoint looking down on the Wilson River valley where we will stop and have lunch and then return by the same trail back to the cars. Total of seven miles with 1200-foot Elevation gain. This trail is only minimally used so we most likely have some solitude in a beautiful costal forest.

Other Information
General Route Info Will vary based on route chosen. Check the Activity & Leader Notes.