Rooster Rock is a well-known 180-foot pillar of Columbia River basalt located below the cliffs of Crown Point at the western end of Rooster Rock State Park. The rock was an ancient Indian place of worship and was originally called Woutoulat. This is probably the rock mentioned by Lewis & Clark as their camping place on November 2, 1805. According to Oregon Geographic Names, the modern name is of phallic significance.

Activity Notes

Rooster Rock is a basalt obelisk next to I-84 in the Columbia River Gorge. This climb involves two pitches of 4th to low 5th class rock climbing, followed by a full length 60m rappel. The gorge views are terrific on a clear day. 

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 25 miles
Driving Time from Portland 0 hours
General Route Info summitpost:
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps Google map