Activity Notes

Get ready to "monkey around".  This is gonna be a blast! 

This is part one of a two part hiking series called, "Going Ape". Part two will be a hike of the Ape Canyon Trail the next day. Join us for one or both of these similarly named, but very different hikes! 

Thursday the 4th we will enter into the depths of the Ape Cave and explore the upper, more rugged section of Ape Cave, one of North America's longest lava tubes! There is some mild scrambling involved but nothing too crazy, but make no mistake, this is not a typical hike! If playing on rocks is not your forte, you might want to sit this one out. 

Sturdy footwear and light sources are a must! 

Optional car camping / tent camping will be available for those who want to stay overnight for both hikes.  More details to follow in an email! 

A timed reservation is required at Ape Cave, both hike leaders have reservations to enter between 1:00 and 1:30 PM. Tickets are by car load. We will me at Trail of Two Forests Trailhead ahead of time and hikers can either ride with one of the leaders or you are welcome to make your own reservation here: and meet us there at the Ape Cave trailhead.  A recreation pass is also required, details on that and more information in general can be found here:



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