Activity Notes

Join us on this hike which delivers one of the best Nature/drive time ratios in the Portland area.

Larch Mountain is the largest of the volcanoes in the Boring Lava Field, and its remaining (albeit eroded) crater now contains old-growth forests, ponds, bogs, and flowery meadows.

This a wonderful, fairly easy, nature hike with a little bit of everything, including great views from Sherrard Point at hike's end.

We will meet at the MMC parking lot, 527 SE 43rd Ave SE, PDX, at 7:30 AM to get an early start on this relatively short, relatively close hike.

If the road to the parking lot at the top of Larch Mountain has not yet been reopened by the County one week beforeour hike, as a group we will decide in the days beforehand whether to park our cars at the gate and hike the extra 2 miles in, or choose another hike of similar distance.

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 58 miles
Distance - Round Trip 6 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps CG2
Useful Links