Shuksan is located approximately six miles to the east of Mount Baker in the North Cascades. Mssr. Beckey has this to say about this route: €œIt is a clever and tortuous route, not technically difficult, but involving stimulating route finding.€ (Ahh, that €œstimulating€ Beckey route finding!) This route can be a challenge for those who find steep snow and class 3-4 rock with big exposure to be unnerving. There have been some L O N G days spent on this peak by the unprepared. Know the route as best you can and start early.

Activity Notes

I only have 6 permits total, which means 4 participants, myself, and an assistant. 

We will go light and fast over three days:

Day One: Pre-dawn drive up, big hike down past Lake Ann and up through the Chimneys to the top of Winnie's Slide, camp for the night.

Day Two: Alpine start to get across, up, and around the glacier early, take the Southeast Ridge (3-4 pitches of low 5th class), summit, rappel down the gullies (5-7 rappels), cross the glacier back to camp, sleep.

Day Three: Mellow restful morning, pack it up and out, hike back to Lake Ann for a mandatory dip (swim if you're brave), and out. Food pit stop in Glacier or Deming for the long drive home. 

You should be comfortable with: glacier travel, steep exposed scrambles, 5th class rock climbing, lead belaying (if need be), and rappelling. This is a long, hard climb, but it is absolutely beautiful, and one of my favorites.

For those curious, this is what the climb entails

I welcome any and all questions. If you think you are on the edge of being qualified, but aren't sure, I would rather you ask than not apply at all. Call or text: (360) 440-9830, or email:


Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 320 miles
Driving Time from Portland 6 hours
General Route Info summitpost mountain forecast USFS Glacier Public Service Center: (360) 599-2714 Located approximately six miles to the east of Mount Baker in the North Cascades, Mount Shuksan is the tallest non-volcanic peak in the Cascades. From Selected Climbs in the Cascades (Nelsen and Potterfield): "The massive and complex Mount Shuksan - whose handsome profile from Picture Lake has become a frequent photographic cliché - offers no less than five rugged faces, with four of them commonly climbed. Big, remote, interesting, and guarded by sometimes troublesome approaches, Mt Shuksan exerts a strong attraction for climbers drawn to its wilderness slopes and rugged beauty." Beckey writes about the route, “It is a clever and tortuous route, not technically difficult, but involving stimulating route finding.” (Ahh, that “stimulating” Beckey route finding!) The Fisher Chimneys is an interesting and demanding route, providing a serious challenge to those who are out-of-shape or who are nervous climbing exposed slopes on high angle snow or unbelayed through Class 3 - 4 rock chimneys in mountaineering boots. Many parties have had very long climbs on this route (20 hours+!) Clarence “Happy” Fisher pioneered the route in 1927. See Beckey’s Cascade Alpine Guide for more detailed look at this area’s geologic and climbing history.
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days
Interesting Features Spectacular Views
Relevant Books Selected Climbs in the North Cascades by Nelson and Potterfield Cascade Alpine Guide: Rainy Pass to Fraser River by Fred Beckey
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Mt. Shuksan, Green Trails Map #14, and US Forest Service Mt. Baker National Forest map Google map
Awards Qualified 16 Major NW Peaks
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