The Kautz Glacier route is a popular choice for intermediate climbers, offering more technical challenges and a LOT fewer people then the popular Emmons and DC routes.

Activity Notes

I only have four permits, i.e. 2 participants, myself, and an assistant; so this will be a very small, select team. Please only apply if fully committed. 

I am looking for at least ICS graduates, preferably some experience on ice. This is a more technical route up Rainier than the DC or Emmons route. There is a short pitch of water or alpine ice, and navigation can be more difficult, as it is a route less traveled. For that reason, I will be looking for experienced applicants. 

If you have not successfully climbed Rainier yet, consider the Disappointment Cleaver or Emmons Glacier Routes before taking this one on. 

I welcome any and all questions. If you think you are on the edge of being qualified, but aren't sure, I would rather you ask than not apply at all. Call or text: (360) 440-9830, or email:

Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 150 miles
Driving Time from Portland 3 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in two or more days
Relevant Books Selected Climbs in the Cascades Volume 2 by Nelson and Potterfield Cascade Alpine Guide, Volume 1 by Fred Beckey
Relevant Maps USGS 7 minute series, Mt. Rainier East and West <href="http: "="" adventure="" c463="" starts-here="" title="On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page """ your="">On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page <href="http:"" maps?f="q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Mt.+Rainier&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.732051,93.164063&ie=UTF8&ll=46.849802,-121.757483&spn=0.017229,0.04549&t=p&z=15&iwloc=A"" title="Google map">Google map</href="http:></href="http:>
Awards Qualified 16 Major NW Peaks
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