Activity Notes

A fun hike east of Mt. Hood, this trail features a triple summit, spectacular wildflowers, a restroom at the end, and a lot of fun! I hope we get to go up the lookout tower at Flag Point (they've let me up in the past). To summit Palisade Point, there is a 10 foot scramble. We will go at a moderate pace.

We will carpool from the MMC at 7:00 AM. Suggested carpool donation is $16/passenger. If you plan to drive yourself, please meet us at High Prairie TH at 8:45 AM. A Northwest Forest Pass is required.

12 miles, 2400' gain

6500' at summit of Lookout Mountain

5800' at summit of Palisade Point

5600' at summit of Flag Point

Please email me with any questions!

***Minorities tend to experience higher amounts of stress. There's also lots of evidence that spending time outside in nature and socially engaging outside of work can reduce stress levels. Therefore, I highly encourage and welcome race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, economic, religious, and all other minorities to join me on my hikes!

***This hike will be on historically Warm Springs land. I encourage you to read and learn more!


We’re sorry to report that this activity has been canceled. Please see our calendar for other activies and educational opportunities.
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Groups Hike Leaders


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Email or call (503) 227-2345