Activity Notes

Memorial day climb of Mt Hood.  We will be climbing the old chute

Will wait until 5/24 to Accept climbers. Will try to email before hand if you've been accepted.

We will climb together as a group at a moderate but efficient pace.  Applicants will be expected to be able to navigate to / from the top of palmer lift back to timberline lodge by themselves and may be asked to do so if conditioning is causing timing issues.


Tentative Itinerary

  • 1:45 am Meet at climbers Registration
  • 2:00 am Start Climb ~5900 ft
  • 3:00 am Silcox Hut ~7200 ft (quick break)
  • 4:30-500 am Top of Palmer Lift ~8500 ft (quick break)
  • 7 am Devils Kitchen ~10200 (longer break)
  • 9 am Summit ~11241(Summit Selfies!)
  • 11 am Devils Kitchen ~10200 (short break)

I will look to start making firmer plans about 5 days out.  Go/No Go will be a few days out via email.  We will be starting from timberline lodge at a time yet to be determined.


If you are newer to climbing or have questions, I encourage you to reach out to me beforehand to make sure this climb is a good fit for you!


Crater Descent Notes

Please have some experience with downclimbing in steep / icy terrain before applying.  Mt Hood has a potential for a bad fall above crater rock, with the runout being long or ending in a fumarole.  This dictates at least 3 points of contact facing the mountain, with the ax being in a high dagger position. You also have to be aware of ice coming from climbers above you. While it is courteous to not knock stuff down on climbers below you, sometimes it is beyond your control. For that, it is recommended that the team follow a staggered formation while descending. 2 Ice axes (tools) is strongly recommended and if you need to borrow one I have extras!


Email any questions ->


Registration is Closed

We’re sorry to report that registration is now closed for this activity and we are no longer accepting applications. The activity has either reached its maximum capacity or the registration period has ended.
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Have questions about registration or your application status?

Email or call (503) 227-2345

Group Information
Groups Climb Leaders
Grad Preference BCEP, ICS, Ski Mountaineering


Have questions about registration or your application status?

Email or call (503) 227-2345