Activity Notes

  • Sunday Skill-builder: Advanced Anchors
  • Class date: Sunday July 28
  • Registration opens: June 28
  • 6–9 p.m.
  • Mazama Mountaineering Center (SE 43rd and Stark, Portland)
  • Mazama members $35, non-members $45
  • Recommended experience level: intermediate/advanced

The Sunday Skill-builders happen on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, usually from 6–9 p.m. The second Sunday is usually for more beginner/intermediate topics, and the fourth Sunday usually covers more intermediate/advanced techniques. Registration opens one month before the class. Most topics are taught twice a year.

Students are generally accepted first-come first-served. Please apply ASAP after the opening of registration to have the best chance of getting in the class.

If you need to cancel, please be courteous and do so early to give those on the waitlist a chance to get into the class. Don't be a no-show.


Do you have a basic understanding of anchor principles and know how to build a few simple ones? Excellent, let's learn a lot more!

Crafty anchor tricks we’ll cover MAY include (we won’t get to all of these . . .) ​

Gear needed: harness, a few locking and snapgate carabiners, prusik loop/friction hitch, two 120 cm slings, cordelette (about 16 feet 7 mm cord). If you want to practice with a quad anchor, I recommend a Dyneema 180 cm sling. The Mountain Shop in Portland often has these in stock; support your local climb shop!

You don't need to have all of this gear, we can share. This will be "ground school", so no helmet or rock shoes are needed.

The links above go to articles from my website, Alpinesavvy. If you make time to read some of them before class, your class time will be much more effective, hint hint.

Look forward to seeing you, hope you can make it!

John Godino and Andy Nuttbrock, Sunday Skills Clinic coordinators

Upcoming Registration

Registration will open on the date indicated above. Please check back on that date to apply/register for this activity.
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Have questions about registration or your application status?

Email or call (503) 227-2345

Group Information


Have questions about registration or your application status?

Email or call (503) 227-2345