Activity Notes

This is a fantastic late summer and fall excursion. There is a rustic water crossing but, this time of year the water is tame and lovely. I would bring trekking poles; I always bring mine. They help in balance when crossing obstacles and hiking downhill. If you have never used them, I will teach you how. Bring snacks and a lunch. Bring a camera because the waterfall is stunning. It should not be no crowds during our weekday trek.

I do suggest checking the weather forecast the night before we go out. If there is rain or a cold breeze bring appropriate clothing. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions. Comfort makes the experience better. It is a very shady trail in many parts and if you tend to run cold some extra layers are fantastic. Also having dry warm gear in the vehicle at the trailhead is a great idea. There is nothing better than dry clothes after a wet hike. Many times, I even bring dry socks and house shoes for the car ride home.

There is water along this trail. You can bring a water filter if you would like. I do advise however that you bring plenty of water with you. Especially if the weather turns out to be warm.



Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 92 miles
Distance - Round Trip 7 miles
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Maps MH4
Awards Qualified Mt. Hood Award, Waterfall Award, Wild Ones