Activity Notes

This is a Dog Friendly Hike, but you don't need a dog to attend.  We will meet at Steamboat Landing where there is parking and bathrooms.  The trail goes up the hill to the dike.  The trail goes along the dike, through Captain William Clark Park and ends up at Steigerwald.  There is construction going on at Steigerwald and the trail is blocked at about 2.5 miles.  We will turn around there and hike back to the cars.  If the group wants to go through the Park on the way back, we can do that.  The Hike should be about five miles with very little elevation gain.  Dogs must be leashed.  Owners will be masked and use the six foot leash to determine social distancing.

Registration is Closed

We’re sorry to report that registration is now closed for this activity and we are no longer accepting applications. The activity has either reached its maximum capacity or the registration period has ended.
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Email or call (503) 227-2345

Group Information
Groups Hike Leaders


Have questions about registration or your application status?

Email or call (503) 227-2345