Activity Notes

Starting from the Grouse Vista trailhead, the only Silver Star trailhead which most vehicles can reach, on a free day to park in Washington State Parks, we will ascend a steep, rocky trail to a wide trail (old road) heading north. Then we will cross over a ridge and hike Ed's Trail, including its iconic arch and scramble move. Then we will reach Silver Star's summit, alongside dozens of other hikers. Finally we will visit the Silver Star Indian Pits before descending to Grouse Vista. Total stats will be 11.4 miles and 3,000'. We may or may not be too early for peak flowers, but if skies are clear, five Cascade volcanoes are visible.

Because of expected trailhead crowding on a free day, we will leave Gateway Transit Center just after sunrise, at 05:30. Park free just outside the garage, or inside the garage at a spot not marked for medical patients. We'll likely need three vehicles; passengers please expect to pay $7 to your drivers to defray gas expenses. As mentioned above, there will be no need to display a Discover Pass at Grouse Vista.


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