Activity Notes

This will be a hybrid WFR course offered through Base Medical. The Base Medical WFR curriculum follows Wilderness Medicine Society standards for wilderness medicine courses. Students who successfully complete the Base Medical WFR training course will earn a Wilderness First Responder nationally recognized qualification.  A Mazamas WFR badge will also be granted.  The WFR certification is valid for two years.

The course will be for a maximum of 18 participants.  Priority acceptance will be given for applicants with demonstrated leadership in outdoor recreation.  All applicants are requested to update their Mazamas profile at registration with details of experience/involvement as a leader in outdoor recreation.  A goal for this July WFR course is to gather participant learnings to apply to future WFR course offering.

Base Medical Lead Instructor Teal Harbin biography

The course will include the following certifications: CPR/AED and Epinephrine Auto-injector

All participants shall bring a pack that includes typical gear that you bring on your outdoor recreation.

Questions?  Contact

May 22 Update:

  • Q3.  Is it possible for Mazamas climb leaders to be covered (or reimbursed) for the cost of the class, and if so, what is the process for that?
  • A3.  Maybe.  Climb Committee supports Climb leaders obtaining WFR but WFR is not a requirement.  Climb Leaders should refer to the Climb Leader First Aid Badge and reimbursement policy.  Mazamas would reimburse a Climb Leader for first aid training costs towards a First Aid badge refresh up to the costs of CPR/WFA/MFA.  The costs would only be reimbursed if the First Aid badge needed a refresh.  If the Climb Leader First Aid is current, there would not be a reimbursement for additional First Aid training.  Pre-approval from Climb Committee recommended.

May 15 Update:

  • Q1.  What offerings does Base Medical provide to recert the WFR training?
  • A1.  A Base Medical WFR certification has several on-line, virtual, and in-person recertification options with Base Medical if the two-year certification has not lapsed. The Base Medical WFR can go no more than four years without a “hands on recert option”.  Visit the Base Medical website for WFR recert options or contact with specific questions.  A Base Medical WFR recert is very affordable @ $235
  • Q2.  Will it be possible to recert this Base Medical WFR training through other providers (e.g., NOLS), if needed due to scheduling or other reasons?
  • A2.  It may be possible to work out a WFR recert option with Base Medical other than the three mentioned above in A1 and that would require advance pre-approval with Base Medical and not Mazamas..  Contact with specific questions


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