As of January 1, 2024, all climbers above 9,500' in the Mt. Hood National Forest are required to carry a permit. As a Mazama member, if you are accepted onto this climb, your permit will be included with your registration—you will not need to arrange your own climbing permit.

This route, with longer, steeper snow pitches, can be a good alternative to the crowded Hogsback. Bring pickets - you may need them. Assess avalanche conditions carefully before getting on this route. Staying at Mazama Lodge the night before can get you off to an early and well rested start.

Activity Notes

This can be a good 1/2 step up from climbing Old Shoot or Mazama Shoot. We will climb up on the west side of crater rock, which makes the route feel miles away from the more heavily used south routes. We turn left  onto the west rim and then approach the summit via the cat walk. It is a fun variation, that provides a different perspective of the mountain than the standard routes.

Comfort with high angle snow travel and great fitness are pre-requisites. I'd recommend this for folks who have been up Hood a few times, have been comfortable, and are ready to try a different route.


Other Information
Driving Distance from Portland 65 miles
Driving Time from Portland 1 hours
Expected Duration Car to car in one day
Relevant Books Oregon High by Jeff Thomas
Relevant Maps USGS 7 1/2 minute series, Mt Hood South, Green Trails Mt. Hood, and Geo Graphics Mt. Hood <href="http: "="" adventure="" c463="" starts-here="" title="On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page """ your="">On the Mazama Climbing and Hiking map page <href="http:"" maps?f="q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=mt+hood&sll=44.674285,-121.798955&sspn=0.018707,0.04549&t=p&ie=UTF8&ll=45.373825,-121.695642&spn=0.01851,0.045233&z=15&iwloc=addr"" title="Google maps">Google maps</href="http:></href="http:>
Awards Qualified 16 Major NW Peaks, Guardian Peaks, Seven Oregon Cascades Peaks