Activity Notes

Fun hike in the coast range, possibly with wildflowers and views of the ocean! There are a couple of steep parts. Poles recommended. Please bring at least 2L of water. We'll go at a slow-moderate pace.

We will meet at the Sunset Transit Center (accessible by TriMet Bus 20, 48, 59, 62 and MAX Blue and Red lines) at 7:30A.M. for carpooling. Recommended gas contribution is $13/passenger. If you choose to drive to the trailhead, please be there by 9:00A.M.

5.5 miles, 1900' gain, 3200' at summit

Please email me with any questions!

***Minorities tend to experience higher amounts of stress. There's also lots of evidence that spending time outside in nature and socially engaging outside of work can reduce stress levels. Therefore, I highly encourage and welcome race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, economic, religious, and all other minorities to join me on my hikes!

***This hike will take place on historically Chinook lands. If you would like to help this tribe be federally recognized, they have an active petition!


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17 applications received


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