Activity Notes

Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys

This will be a three day climb starting either Friday or Saturday morning from the trailhead. I have a permit for 3 nights (Fri-Sun) in the Price Cross Country Zone so we can adjust the schedule and camp locations as necessary. 

3D Map of Route

Route Descriptions: Summitpost, Mountaineers

Friday, August 16th: Drive out of Portland to Glacier, WA (5 hours). Camp near trailhead. 

Saturday, August 17th: Pick up permit. Begin the climb at Lake Ann trail head near Austin Pass (elev 4700 ft) and camp past the Chimneys at the base of the Upper Curtis glacier at ~ 7000 ft (~ 5 hrs). 

Sunday, August 18th: Alpine start to cross the Upper Curtis glacier as two roped teams and then climb some steep snow through the Hell's Highway to join the Sulphide glacier route. Climb up Sulphide to the summit pyramid and up to the summit via the 4th class scramble or the SE Ridge variation. The SE Ridge (5.4) is solid rock that runs next to the standard ascent (loose 4th class gullies). We will then retrace our way back to camp and stay another night.

Monday, August 19th: Hike out to the car and drive home.



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